- GeoData
- » Publications
Doneghan, G.B.; Hawley, R. Murdock, A.P. and Lockwood, G. (2010) Assessing Navigational Risk Using Archive AIS data Vessel Encounter Tool (VET) Proceedings of the Royal institute of Navigation’s NAV 10 Conference, London
D. A. Sear, D.A.; Bacon, S.R.; Murdock, A.P.; Doneghan, G.B and LeBas, T.P. (2009) Dunwich 2008 Project Report. GeoData Institute Research Report. No: 1064
Zhang, J.; Liu, C.; Hutton, C.; Koirala, H.L. Geographical Dynamics of Poverty in Nepal between 2005 and 2011: Where and How? Sustainability (2018), 10, 2055.
Fiifi Amoako Johnson; Faustina Frempong-Ainguah; Zoe Matthews; Andrew Harfoot; Philomina Nyarko; Angela Baschieri; Peter Gething; Jane Falkingham; Peter Atkinson (2015) Evaluating the impact of the Community-based Health Planning and Services initiative on uptake of skilled birth care in Ghana. PLOS One.
Sarah Taylor, Michael Knight and Andy Harfoot (2014). National biodiversity climate change vulnerability model, Natural England Research Report NERR054. http://publications.naturalengland.org.uk/publication/5069081749225472
Sally Brown & Robert J. Nicholls & Attila N. Lázár & Duncan D. Hornby & Chris Hill & Sugata Hazra & Kwasi Appeaning Addo & Anisul Haque & John Caesar & Emma L. Tompkins (2018). What are the implications of sea-level rise for a 1.5, 2 and 3 °C rise in global mean temperatures in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna and other vulnerable deltas?. Regional Environmental Change. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10113-018-1311-0.
M.Naura, D.D.Hornby, A.L.Collins, D.A.Sear, C.Hill, J.I.Jones, P.S.Naden (2016). Mapping the combined risk of agricultural fine sediment input and accumulation for riverine ecosystems across England and Wales. Ecological Indicators, 70, 209-221.
MarcNaura, Mike J.Clark, David A.Sear, Peter M.Atkinson, Duncan D.Hornby, Paul Kemp, Judy England, Graeme Peirson, Chris Bromley, Matthew G.Carter (2016). Mapping habitat indices across river networks using spatial statistical modelling of River Habitat Survey data.Ecological Indicators, 66, 20-29.
P.S.Naden, J.F.Murphy, G.H.Old, J.Newman, P.Scarlett, M.Harman, C.P.Duerdoth, A.Hawczak, J.L.Pretty, A.Arnold, C.Laizé, D.D.Hornby, A.L.Collins, D.A.Sear, J.I.Jones (2016). Understanding the controls on deposited fine sediment in the streams of agricultural catchments. Science of The Total Environment, 547,366-381.
John F. Murphy, J. Iwan Jones, James L. Pretty, Chas P. Duerdoth, Adrianna Hawczak, Amanda Arnold, John H. Blackburn, Pamela S. Naden, Gareth Old, David A. Sear, Duncan Hornby, Ralph T. Clarke And Adrian L. Collins (2015). Development of a biotic index using stream macroinvertebrates to assess stress from deposited fine sediment. Freshwater Biology 60, 2019–2036.
Samantha Cockings, Andrew Harfoot, David Martin, Duncan Hornby (2013). Getting the foundations right: spatial building blocks for official population statistics. Environment and Planning A, 45, 1403 – 1420.
James W.H.M., Tejedor-Garavito N., Hanspal S.E., Campbell-Sutton A., Hornby G.M., Pezzulo C., Nilsen K., Sorichetta A., Ruktanonchai C.W., Carioli A., Kerr D., Matthews Z. and Tatem A.J. (2018). Gridded birth and pregnancy datasets for Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean. Scientific Data 5: 180090. Available from: http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/sdata.2018.90
Craig Hutton, Robert J. Nicholls, Attila N. Lázár, Alex Chapman, Marije Schaafsma, Mashafi(2018).Trade-offs and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Potential conflicts between SDGs in Coastal Bangladesh. Contribution to Special Issue 2018. "Sustainability and Ethics: Reflections on the UN Sustainable Development Goals". Sustainability Science 2018, 10(4), 1108
Natalie Suckall, Emma L. Tompkins, Craig Hutton, Attila N. Lázár, Abiy S. Kebede, Robert J. Nicholls, Katharine Vincent, Andrew Allan, Alex Chapman, Rezaur Rahman(2018).Tuhin Ghosh A framework for identifying and selecting long term adaptation policy directions for deltas. Science of the Total Environment. Volume 633, 15 August 2018, Pages 946-957
Abiy S. Kebede, PhD, MSc, BSc; Robert J. Nicholls Andrew Allan; Iñaki Arto; Ignacio Cazcarro; Jose A. Fernandes; Chris T.Hill; Craig W. Hutton; Susan Kay; Attila N. Lázár; Ian Macadam; Matthew Palmer; Natalie Suckall; Emma L. Tompkins; Katharine Vincent; Paul W. Whitehead (2018). Applying the Global RCP-SSP-SPA Scenario Framework at Sub-National Scale: A Multi-Scale and Participatory Scenario Approach. Science of the total Environment. Science of The Total Environment. Volume 635, 1 September 2018, Pages 659-672
Mahin Al Nahian, Ali Ahmed, Attila N. Lázár, Craig W. Hutton (2018), Drinking water salinity associated health crisis in coastal Bangladesh. Elem Sci Anth. 6(1), p.2. DOI: http://doi.org/10.1525/elementa.143
Carling, P., Trieu, H. Q., Hornby, D., Huang, H. Q., Darby, S., Sear, D., Hutton C., Hill C., Ali Z., Ahmed A., Iqbal I. & Hussain, Z. (2017). Are equilibrium multichannel networks predictable? The case of the regulated Indus River, Pakistan. Geomorphology. DOI: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2017.09.021
Sylvia Szabo, Robert J. Nicholls, Barbara Neumann, Fabrice G. Renaud, Zoe Matthews, Zita Sebesvari, Amir AghaKouchak, Roger Bales, Corrine Warren Ruktanonchai, Julia Kloos, Efi Foufoula-Georgiou, Philippus Wester, Mark New, Jakob Rhyner, & Craig Hutton (2016). Making SDGs Work for Climate Change Hot Spots: Environment Volume 58 Number 6
*R.J. Nicholls, C.W. Hutton, A.N. Lázár, A. Allan, W.N. Adger, H. Adams, J. Wolff, M. Rahman, M. Salehin (2016). Integrated assessment of social and environmental sustainability dynamics in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna delta, Bangladesh. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science/online (2016) 1-12 [REF candidate]
*Amoako Johnson, F., Hutton, C.W., Hornby, D. (2016) Is shrimp farming a successful adaptation to salinity intrusion? A geospatial associative analysis of poverty in the populous Ganges–Brahmaputra–Meghna Delta of Bangladesh. Sustain Sci (2016) 11: 423. doi:10.1007/s11625-016-0356-6 [REF candidate]
Anirban Mukhopadhyay, Sugata Hazra, Debasish Mitra, C. Hutton, Abhra Chanda & Sandip Mukherjee, (2015) Characterizing the multi-risk with respect to plausible natural hazards in the Balasore coast, Odisha, India: a multi-criteria analysis (MCA) appraisal. Natural Hazards, pp 1-19. 10.1007/s11069-015-2035-9 http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11069-015-2035-9/fulltext.html
*Watmough, G.R., Atkinson, P.M., Saikia, A., Hutton, C.W. (2015) Understanding the evidence base for Poverty-Environment Relationships using Remotely Sensed Satellite Data: An Example from Assam, India. World Development Volume 78, February 2016, Pages 188–203 [Ref Candidate]
Lazar, A.N., Clarke, D., Adams, H., Akanda, A. R., Szabo, S., Nicholls, R.J., Matthews, Z., Begum, D., Saleh, A.F.M., Abedin, A., Payo, A., Streatfield, P.K., Hutton, C.W., Mondal, M.S. and Moslehuddin , A. Z. Md. (2015) Agricultural livelihoods in coastal Bangladesh under climate and environmental change - a model framework. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 1-14. (doi:10.1039/C4EM00600C ).
P. G. Whitehead, S. Sarkar, L. Jin, M.N. Futter, J. Caesar, E. Barboura, D. Butterfield, R. Sinha, R. Nicholls, C. Hutton and H.D. Leckie (2015). Dynamic modeling of the Ganga River System: Impacts of future climate and socio-economic change on flows and nitrogen fluxes in India and Bangladesh. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts., 2013, 00, 1-3, 1
Girard, Pierre, Boulanger, Jean-Philippe and Hutton, Craig (2014) Challenges of climate change in tropical basins: vulnerability of eco-agrosystems and human populations. [in special issue: Climate Change and Adaptation in Tropical Basins] Climatic Change, 127, (1), 1-13. (doi:10.1007/s10584-014-1241-x).
Sadler, J., Kit, O., Austin, J., & Griffin, D. (2018). A tool to predict environmental risk to UK rail infrastructure. Proceedings of the ICE - Transport, 171(2), 115-124. DOI: 10.1680/jtran.16.00027
Sadler, J., Griffin, D., Gilchrist, A., Austin, J., Kit, O., & Heavisides, J. (2016). GeoSRM - online geospatial safety risk model for the GB rail network. IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 10(1), 17-24. DOI: 10.1049/iet-its.2015.0038
Sorichetta, A., Bird, T. J., Ruktanonchai, N. W., Zu Erbach-Schoenberg, E., Pezzulo, C., Tejedor Garavito, N., ... Tatem, A. J. (2016). Mapping internal connectivity through human migration in malaria endemic countries. Scientific Data, 3(160066), 1-16. DOI: 10.1038/sdata.2016.66
Amoako Johnson, Fiifi, Hutton, Craig W. and Clark, Michael J. (2012) The socio-environmental vulnerability assessment approach to mapping vulnerability to climate. In, Booth, Colin A., Hammond, Felix N., Lamond, Jessica E. and Proverbs, David G. (eds.) Solutions to Climate Change Challenges in the Built Environment. Chichester, GB, Blackwell, 283-301.
Benn AR, Weaver PP, Billet DSM, van den Hove S, Murdock AP, Gemma B.Doneghan. (2010) Human Activities on the Deep Seafloor in the North East Atlantic: An Assessment of Spatial Extent. PLoS ONE 5(9): e12730.
Cockings, Samantha, Harfoot, Andrew, Martin, David and Hornby, Duncan (2011) Maintaining existing zoning systems using automated zone design techniques: methods for creating the 2011 Census output geographies for England and Wales. Environment and Planning A, 43, (10), 2399-2418.
Cockings, Samantha, Harfoot, Andrew and Hornby, Duncan . (2009) Towards 2011 output geographies: Exploring the need for, and challenges involved in, maintenance of the 2001 output geographies . Popul Trends 138: 38-49;
Cundy, A.B., Long, A.J., Hill, C.T., Spencer, C. and Croudace, I.W. (2002) Sedimentary response of Pagham Harbour, southern England to barrier breaching in AD 1910. Geomorphology, 46, 163-176
Falkingham, Jane, Baschieri, Angela, Hornby, Duncan and Hutton, Craig (2005) Creating a poverty map for Azerbaijan. Washington, US, The World Bank, 72pp. (Policy, Research Working Paper, WPS 3793)
García-Castro, Raúl, Corcho, Oscar and Hill, Chris (2012) A Core Ontological Model for Semantic Sensor Web Infrastructures (in press)
Gray, A.J.G., Sadler, J., Kit, O., Kyzirakos, K., Karpathiotakis, M., Calbimonte, J.-P., Page, K., Garcia-Castro, R., Frazer, A., Galpin, I.,Fernandes, A., Paton, N.W., Corcho, O., Koubarakis, M., De Roure, D.,Martinez, K., Gomez-Perez, A. (2011) A Semantic Sensor Web for Environmental Decision Support Applications.Sensors 11(9): 8855-8887
Hutton, Craig W., Kienberger, S., Amoako Johnson, Fiifi, Allan, A., Giannini, V. and Allen, R. (2011) Vulnerability to climate change: people, place and exposure to hazard. Advances in Science & Research, 7, 37-45.
Johnson, Fiifi Amoako, Harfoot, Andrew, Matthews, Zoë and Hutton, Craig (2006) 2006 South-East Asia poverty mapping sssessment. report to Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of the United Nations Rome. , Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of the United Nations Rome
Kit O, Lüdeke MKB, Reckien D (2011): Texture-based identification of urban slums in Hyderabad, India using remote sensing data. Applied Geography 32 (2): 660-667.
Martin, David, Cockings, Samantha and Harfoot, Andrew (2012) Development of a geographical framework for Census workplace data. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society).
Martin, E. H. and C. D. Apse. 2011. Northeast Aquatic Connectivity: An Assessment of Dams on Northeastern Rivers. The Nature Conservancy, Eastern Freshwater Program.
Milton, Edward J., Baret, Frederic, Rossello, Philippe, Anderson, Elisa and Rockall, Emma (2011) A multi-stage database of field measurements and synoptic remotely sensed data to support model validation and testing in Earth observation. Computers and Geosciences, 37, 1511-1514.
Milton, E.J., Hughes, P.D.M., Lenatti, C. and Hill, C.T. (2004) Remote sensing condition categories on lowland raised bogs in the UK: applying the methodology to more degraded sites. In, Meade, R. (ed.) Proceedings of English Nature Remote Sensing Workshop. Proceedings of the Peterborough Remote Sensing Workshop Peterborough, UK, English Nature, 47-52.
Milton, E.J., Hughes, P.D.M., Anderson, K., Schultz, J., Hill, C.T. and Lindsay, R. (2004) Remote sensing condition categories on lowland raised bogs in the UK: development and testing methods. In, Meade, R. (ed.) Proceedings of English Nature Remote Sensing Workshop. Proceedings of the Peterborough Remote Sensing Workshop Peterborough, UK, English Nature, 26-35.
Milton, E.J., Hughes, P.D., Lenatti, C. and Hill, C.T. (2004) Remote sensing condition categories on lowland raised bogs in the UK. Part 3: Applying the methodology to more degraded sites : the Manchester mosses. Southampton, UK, University of Southampton, GeoData Institute,
Milton, E.J., Hughes, P.D., Anderson, K., Schultz, J., Lindsay, R. and Hill, C.T. (2004) Remote sensing condition categories on lowland raised bogs in the UK. Part 1 : Development and testing of methods. Southampton, UK, Southampton University, GeoData Institute, 25pp.
Mohan, John, Kane, David, Wilding, Karl, Branson, Julia and Owles, Fiona (2010) Beyond "flat-earth" maps of the third sector: enhancing our understanding of the contribution of "below-radar" organisations. Third Sector Trends Study
Neal, Jeffrey C., Atkinson, Peter M. and Hutton, Craig W. (2012) Adaptive space–time sampling with wireless sensor nodes for flood forecasting. Journal of Hydrology, 414-415, 136-147.
Neal, Jeffrey C., Atkinson, Peter M. and Hutton, Craig W. (2009) Evaluating the utility of the ensemble transform Kalman filter for adaptive sampling when updating a hydrodynamic model. Journal of Hydrology, 375, (3-4), 589-600. (doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2009.07.008).
Neal, Jeffrey C., Atkinson, Peter M. and Hutton, Craig W. (2007) Real-time flood modelling using spatially distributed dynamic depth sensors. Journal of Hydrology, 336, (3-4), 401-415.
Page, K. R., De Roure, D. C., Martinez, K., Sadler, J. D. and Kit, O. Y. (2009) Linked Sensor Data: RESTfully serving RDF and GML. In: Semantic Sensor Networks 2009 (SSN09), CEUR-WS Vol. 552
Saxby, Steve, Hill, Chris and Pittam, Neil (2010) Approaches to data policy in the marine sector - Marine Environmental Data and Information Network (MEDIN) - research project. Liverpool, GB, Marine Environmental Data and Information Network, 100pp.
Saxby, Stephen and Christopher, Hill (2012) Public sector information and open data: which way forward for the UK? International Journal of Public Law and Policy, 2, (3) (In Press).
Sear, David, Newson, Malcolm, Hill, Christopher, Old, Jo and Branson, Julia (2009) A method for applying fluvial geomorphology in support of catchment-scale river restoration planning. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 19, (5), 506-519. (doi:10.1002/aqc.1022).
D. A. Sear S. R. Bacon A. Murdock G. Doneghan P. Baggaley C. Serra T. P. LeBas. (2011) Cartographic, geophysical and diver surveys of the medieval town Site at Dunwich, Suffolk, England. International Journal of Nautical Archaeology, 40, (1), 113-132.
Sharma, Nayan, Johnson, Fiifi Amoako, Hutton, Craig W. and Clark, Michael J. (2010) Hazard, vulnerability and risk on the Brahmaputra basin: a case study of river bank erosion. Open Journal of Hydrology, 4
Sheate, W.R., Eales, R., Daly, E. Baker, J., Ojike, U., Karpouzoglou, T., Murdock, A. and Hill, C (2012) Spatial Representation and Specification of Ecosystem Services: a Methodology Using Land Use/Land Cover Data and Stakeholder Engagement Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management Vol 14, No 1
Wadey, Matthew, Nicholls, Robert J. and Hutton, Craig (2012) Coastal flooding in the Solent: an integrated analysis of defences and inundation. Water, 4, (2)
Wadey, Matthew, Nicholls, Robert J. and Hutton, Craig (2012) Coastal flooding in the Solent: analysis and real-time forecasting. Proceeding of ICE Coastal Management, Belfast, November 2011(in press).
Watmough, Gary R., Atkinson, Peter M. and Hutton, Craig W. (2011) A combined spectral and object-based approach to transparent cloud removal in an operational setting for Landsat ETM+. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 13, (2), 220-227.
Wrigley, N., Branson, J., Murdock, A. and Clarke, G. (2009) Extending the Competition Commission's findings on entry and exit of small stores in British high streets: implications for competition and planning policy. Environment and Planning A, 41, (9), 2063-2085.