- GeoData
- » Web
Date: | 2003-2005 |
Project: | uc0600 |
Client: | EU "Information Society Technology" award |
www.imarq.info |
i-MARQ - Information System for Marine Aquatic Resource Quality
i-MARQ was a collaborative Research & Technology Development project under the 5th Framework Programme of the European Union.
The overall goal of the project was to develop a Geographic Information System (GIS) which can exploit diverse data resources in order to deliver 'best estimate' information on the environmental quality of coastal waters.
Working with other data and technology partners in the programme, GeoData developed the GIS and web interface to the project. Based on industry standard Linux and Apache server platforms, the implementation made heavy use of Open Source development, database and GIS technologies, including PHP, PostreSQL, PostGIS, MapServer and MapScript.